Monday, 27 February 2012

‘Lets begin at the beginning, we’re lovers and we’re losers’ Frank Turner

So we figured almost four months after setting up this blog we should actually make the effort, well I should make at least write something. As this is the first entry it would seem to make sense that I start at the beginning with an introduction as to how this Englishman found himself dancing with a Hungarian girl at 1am on a Sunday morning in a small town in Wiltshire and how that one action lead on where we are today. It was one of those Saturday’s, a late call from a friend to head to the pub and watch the football, it was Wales vs. England and a solemn agreement was made ‘lets just go out for a couple and leave it at that’. This as always proved to be famous last word as after the game we headed off with another friend to have some food in town and a couple more beers, England had won and we were feeling good, so good we end up going to what can only be loosely described as a night club - the inevitable end to an afternoon that start with such good intentions.  I am stood talking when all of a sudden a girl literally falls into my life, the details there after are somewhat sketchy (I have drunk a lot of rum and G has been on the cocktails) I know we danced because I had to make myself – I HATE dancing at the best of times but I just had to give it a go. It gets worse, I am assured we danced to the Macarena, no amount of rum can excuse me from this, but if you can’t remember it does it really count?
It turns out G is just in the country for 3 days 1 had already past and she flies home on the Monday, it makes no real sense but we agree to meet on the Sunday for a coffee, you can never have too many friends but I know I want more. I walk her home, we kiss again and say goodbye. 
The next day comes and I feel awful! Hung over just does not cover the way I feel but I am up and manage to arrange a time and place to meet. We have a couple of coffees and have a walk along the river, for March it is a beautiful day the conversation is easy and the laughs keep coming but we totally miss read each other. No kiss, just a goodbye hug, she is late for her first English Sunday roast. She flies home the next day. I certainly know how to pick them…