
Why Peanuts and Poppadoms? Well it is just one tiny random moment from a Shooting Stars Live video (Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer celebrity quiz) that has stuck in my head ever since. I find myself singing this song at the strangest moments and sometimes without realising it. This inevitably lead to me having to try and explain this to G and although she does not get Vic and Bob it just seemed to fit when it came to naming the blog. No deep meaning but something that makes us smile....

Isn't he romantic?  "Makes us smile". I would say Peanuts and Poppadoms, because we couldn't find anything better. Believe me, we tried hard... But everything else seemed to be boosting with testosterone or just very chiclit for a coeducational site. He didn't even let me put a wallpaper on the blog with those tiny plastic chickens on it. Whatever. Peanuts and Poppadoms here we are!

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